Students may become registered as Professional Geoscientists, or Environmental Geoscientists, after taking an approved set of courses, and serving several years as a Geoscientist in training. The P. Geo designation is similar to that of professional engineer (P. Eng), and in many provinces the both are issued by the same organization.

The accreditation process is province-specific, and there are subtle differences in requirements, though Geoscientists Canada (the national body) tries to minimize interprovincial differences. Geoscientists Canada has excellent information on their website describing the need for accreditation, and the process.

For environmental geoscience graduates registration is less of a requirement, but students should still consider accreditation in order to have a marketable certification. Students who are interested in accreditation should visit the department chair to pick up the course checklist to ensure that they meet the requirements upon graduation.

Students who are interested in accreditation must make sure they meet the academic requirements. Each province offers a checklist of courses required before Geoscientist in Training status can be approved, and students should follow the requirements for the province in which they would like to work:

British Columbia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories & Nunavut
Nova Scotia


The Nova Scotia Association of Professional Geoscientists is very similar to that of other provinces and they have resources available here:


Description of Requirements and Process in NS

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Antigonish, Nova Scotia
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